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On pole position

The exact date of the race weekend, the full event program and all information about the tickets are to be announced in the upcoming weeks, but we want to give as many race fans as possible to attend the F1 Dutch Grand Prix. Do you want to be there for the race event? Then register on this website from 27 May 2019 and be on pole position to purchase tickets.

Keep me informed
Tickets F1 Dutch Grand Prix FAQ

How do I register?

There is no need for you to sit in front of your laptop early in the morning or to take a day off from work as registration is open from 27 May 2019 9am until 16 June 2019. Everyone who registers within this period has equal chances to purchase tickets. To register, it is sufficient to leave your details by using a form that will be available on this website from 27 May. Registration is free of charge and includes no obligation whatsoever.


What happens after my registration?

Because of the popularity that is expected, an application system is in place. After the registration period and once details about the tickets for the F1 Dutch Grand Prix have been announced, you will receive an email with information about how and when tickets can be applied for. With these data, we will search for tickets that are best suitable for your requirements. Only fans to have registered prior to 17 June will receive this email and have a chance to purchase a ticket. If the registrations outnumber the tickets that are available, there will be a lottery. Thus, we aim to give as many fans as possible the chance of attending the event.

Do you still have questions?

Of course, it can happen that things still remain unclear after having read the information above. We have put together the most frequently asked questions on one page with a clear overview. The frequently asked questions can be found here.

Tickets F1 Dutch Grand Prix
Tickets F1 Dutch Grand Prix